Save all open tabs

Hey guys

     we all have these moments when we have to shut down our PC but we have quite a few tabs open in our browser,normally , i would just close the browser because i have  [chrome sync set up ] and then pick it up on my galaxy tablet , but what if you don't have that set up ? .....

Here's a simple way to save all your open tabs  in Google chrome .

To Save :  

bookmark all tabs

  • Press Ctrl-Shift-D , to bookmark all the currently  open tabs.
  • Name the folder something like "Read Later" or "Last Session"

To Reopen:

In your bookmarks menu,
  •  Find the folder you saved the tabs in.
  •  Right click the folder and select "Open all bookmarks in a new window". 

More to readManaging open tabs in chrome

if you want to read up more on this topic you can always ask Me in the Comments or Google :)
that's it for now , Tweets by @PrashantM911    like us on facebook , comment and share !
